Relief Foundation International (RFi) is operated as a non for profit, non-governmental organization that caters almost 65 types of community needs. RFi has a flexible approach to serve needy communities, specially when there are severe emergencies in the country.

According to UNICEF, an estimated 22.8 million children aged 5-16 are out-of-school. While, every child has the right to access safe, quality education. These Pakistani children across the nation are out of school and as a result of their poverty. This has far-reaching consequences on their futures and those of their families, communities and country.
Relief Foundation International (RFi) promote free, equal access to quality education for all children – from early learning to secondary education.
We have established two schools in Karachi and Murree named AL-Ilm Foundation Secondary School, and also provide scholarships to needy children. So that all children are able to get an education.
The stability of the economy rests on the ability to maintain a low unemployment rate, while the opportunity of employment is a big challenge in Pakistan. When a person is employed, s/he can bear her/his family with respect. This is the state when someone can think clearly and make great decisions to improve its family’s quality of life.
Relief Foundation International (RFi) has a vast vision to create more and more employment opportunities in Pakistan. we have managed a project named, “Khud Kifalati program” that inculcates the intention of prosperity for Pakistani community.
For details about “Khud Kifalati program”, please contact us on +923312607232.

According to press, there are almost four million orphans in Pakistan, with potentially thousands more going undocumented due to the high refugee population. Children across the country face threats from every angle, and orphans are particularly vulnerable due to the lack of a support.
Relief Foundation International (RFi) realizes this need and we are working on a project named, “Maskan Homes” which is basically a service to provide financial and residential support to needy homeless children. You can also donate to complete and run this project.
More than 70% Pakistanis drink contaminated that consists of deadly bacteria and viruses. While there are many rural areas where inhabitants have no facility of drinking water. So, they bring water from distant well, handpump or boring. Such areas are located in all the provinces and are very famous in the press. Due to their extreme poverty, they can’t even afford to buy water and food, how can they manage to make a well. So, we at Relief Foundation International (RFi) convince our donors and then manage our financial resources to dig wells, handpump and drillings in said areas. Not only this, but we also have a supervision procedure to maintain these wells regularly, because if these wells are not observed properly, these wells will be diminished.
Relief Foundation International (RFi) has a nationwide network of volunteers and supporters who informs us about the real needs in any area and then our inspects and approves budget for water and food resources.
For details about “Water and Food program”, please contact us on +923312607232.

No one is free from learning and correct guidance. Especially, in developing society the need of guidance and leadership increases. Relief Foundation International (RFi) realizes this need and working in this field for last decade. RFi arranges many events time to time to educate people in different aspects of life. All communities (students, Ulema, professionals) of the society including females can join these programs.
If you want to join any of our event or want to know schedule of events, please contact us on +923312607232.
Relief Foundation International offers a selected range of free healthcare services including medical and surgical expenses. We also arrange medical camps in different rural areas of Pakistan alone or with other charity groups. Our goal is to reach millions of needy patients all over Pakistan who are suffering because of a lack of healthcare facilities.
We also collect used medical and surgical equipment then donate to needy people when they ask.